The Jazzcat

Kurt Elling back at Catalinas with "Night Moves"

by on Mar.23, 2007, under News


New creation.  Music that once does not exist and now it inhabits the earth for eternity.  I don’t know if the public takes time to understand what a gift thoughts, imagination and story turned into song actually are.  Kurt

Elling is back with brand new music and featuring new compositions

coupled with a new release on Concord Records called “Nightmoves”.



Records is taking advantage of the new age of digital technology by

offering many aspects of this album online for download.  Kurt

delivers in his magnetic, poetic captivating style and these

beautifully crafted pieces are sculptured in such a way that the pure

unadulterated beauty of Kurt’s raw organic melodic sound is poised in

the perfect suspended position.


 Bob Sheppard joins in on tenor and is a wonderful addition to the new sound.  My

man, Willie Jones is now a solid fixture in a section that includes

Kurt’s long time friend and pianist, Laurence Hobgood and Rob Amster on



 Kurt is the ultimate in breathing life into words that turn into the cerebral fabric which weaves image into story.  We

are all taken by the power of the tale and whisked away as the music

dances in the meadows of our imagination, the world opens up.


 Kurt has a new daughter, Princess Nishu, and she is a lucky girl.  I

am sure that she will discover worlds of treasures, different lands and

all kinds of imaginary creatures without ever leaving the comfort of

her daddy’s arms.  Poetry, sound, vision, space and

cascading rhythm are the ingredients that take us on journeys deep to

the child within ourselves.  In this crazy world of

war, stress, honking cars and sky high oil prices, that is a wonderful

place to visit and spend some good time.


Night Moves         Body and Soul
Windows                                Windows
Real Audio                             Real Audio

Click to download and listen to samples above










a look into the nocturnal spirit of dreams and fantasy that is

descended down upon us when the universe is quiet and open to receiving

signals and audible vibrations ala, “The Messenger” Kurt Elling.


LeRoy Downs


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