Mike Jacobi Program host on KRML
by jazzcat on Sep.28, 2004, under Photos
:KRML, LeRoy Downs, LeRoy Downs and Mike Jacobi on KRMLby jazzcat on Sep.28, 2004, under Photos
:KRML, LeRoy Downs, LeRoy Downs and Mike Jacobi on KRMLUse the form below to search the site:
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February 3rd, 2019 on 10:27 pm
Mike Jacobi? Ex host of KPEN in the Bay Area? Do you every remember that would call in for music … like Singers Unlimited, Frank Sinatra… Come fly with me… lol… I was starting my flying career… now 44 years later… I still listen to great music… I would call in and you would actually play the music after giving me enough time to get airborne so I could listen to the music wearing my headset that allowed me to listen to FM AND… ATC… days gone by…
All the best…