The Jazzcat

James Williams Dies much too early

by on Jul.22, 2004, under News


Great pianist and educator James Williams has past away. He resided on the East Coast in New York

and was known to so many who loved, admired and adored him. I was

introduced to him by my good friend Vanessa Rubin. We were all hanging

out at the International Convention for Jazz Educators. Well, Vanessa

and I were hanging out. James had a booth which had his music for sale

as well as promotion for himself as an educator.

In the five

minutes, as we stood there talking with James, I personally saw at

least 3 of his students come up, joke, laugh and play around with him

for a few moments. He greeted them with love and mutual respect. I did

not know him well but, seeing how others flocked to him told me how

much respect everyone had for him.

53 is much too young to go

and when talented and dedicated musicians leave our earth, massive

pieces of knowledge, wisdom and musical enlightenment leave as well.

Thank God that we are left with the spirit and the memories and the

Here is a link to an article that was written today in the New York AP news.

Condolences, peace and love
LeRoy Downs
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