The Jazzcat on 89.9 Tonight / This morning Saturday Feb 23 @ 3am!!
by jazzcat on Feb.22, 2019, under News

Hello Beautiful Jazz People!
Listen and Love this music we call JAZZ! In it’s highest form we seek the unheard, the roads less traveled and find the sonic jewels of our existance!
Tune in TONIGHT @ 3am – 6am
Saturday Feb 23rd
Click Picture above and Listen to the Show Live!!
3am – 6am

It’s such pleasure programming the most exciting music for you. Jazz is about Life; constanty blossoming, reaching out, reaching back, in the trenches of socio political landscapes, painting with colors that are vibrant, daring and full of creative imagination.
Our musicians our poets, telling the stories of our lives, the heroes who came before us and the responsibility that we have now to lend our vibrations towards truth, justice and beauty!

February 23rd, 2019 on 5:55 am
Hi, Leroy,
Loving your show on KCRW! This is George Fuller’s sister, Lili. I believe you know George. He used to DJ at KRML. Jazz is, and always has bee, his life’s love. Keep up the wonderful music. If you ever hear of a gig in So Cal for someone like George, let me know. He hasn’t been ab;e to spin for years since KRML was bought and changed its format. Major bummer for him.
Lili Fuller
March 1st, 2019 on 11:34 am
Hello Lili and thanks for listening and enjoying the show! Yes, of course I know George. You should tell him to start his own station. This is what I did
Thanks again!