The Jazzcat

Just Jazz Series Every Wednesday at Mr Musichead Gallery on Sunset Blvd

by on Jul.01, 2018, under News

Need I say more….

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Click any artist picture for video

Come out and experience the most prolific jazz and be apart of the New Epicenter of Sound here on beautiful Sunset Blvd in Hollywood!!!


What else you say….

Free Appetizers and Drinks for early arrivals from

Live Remote radio broadcast/interviews each Wednesday on…

Brand New Piano from YAMAHA Piano and Drum Kit from Gretsch

For those who need their sleep, rest well..

For Everyone else, I’ll see you Wednesday at Just Jazz

Upcoming Performances

Shows you may have missed….

1 Comment for this entry

  • Michael Gering

    Saw this card in my closet with my old friend’s name on it. Figure I should say “hello”. I hope you are all well and good. I will try to have lunch with you too. I want to discuss writing a commercial and if your open to it have you add a little music if they buy the pkg. concept for that commercial that I write okay? Simple stuff. I am off’ Sunday. We get paid on Friday. Maybe Lunch if I am lucky in Santa Monica as well? Home 310 458 6901 Cell 310 595 8165 Glad U R Well! I had the best Burrito I have ever had at that TOCAYA In S.M (they’re on) 507 WILSHIRE BLVD Santa Monica, CA 90401 Imagined I’ll try to arrange lunch. You know down the road, when we can, at some point?? My youtube video JFK COLD CASE DISCUSSION 2 is over on [ My second one….]Again a down the road thing as you would understand. My down the road with DOWNS LA Dreams “interesting.”

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