The Jazzcat

Kendrick Scott at the Jazz Bakery

by on Mar.27, 2017, under Events, News

Our man Kendrick Scott. I call him ours because we embrace this brother so tight and hold him in the highest esteem when it comes to moving our emotions with the integrity of his compositions! As part of the Jazz Bakery’s Movable Feast, Kendrick performed at the Moss Theater with his band of young purveyors of sound Taylor Eighsti, Joshua Crumbly, Mike Moreno and John Ellis.

Kendrick started out the evening with a tune written just two days ago, so fresh it does not even have a name yet; a new born beauty. With seamless modality to Auduban speed, we transcend into weightless gravity experiencing not G-force, but the gentleness of effortless mastery as we arrive in new dimensions of time. Kendrick has always been a drummer of choice and always concerned with the real truth of emoting composition. His sound speaks and reflects upon intellect multiplied by feeling divided by complex groove to the fifth power.
Synchrony was a piece from an earlier album, “Conviction” and “Apollo” was written by good friend and our very own Walter Smith III, John Ellis also contributes with a piece called Milton.

Mike Moreno on guitar warm and encompassing while John Ellis delivers precious alluring melodies gracefully massaged by rhythm. Taylor Eigsti is one of the best on piano and keys, team player and fearless leader crafting landscapes of gentle color then dancing on them. Brother Crumbly, resonating with drive, compassion and an honest truth whose vibration has and ever present solid connection with the waves of our bodies.

A drum solo with definite triggers, Sun house and all defining serious subjects not for the faint at heart but, messages for us all. Leader of the free world, a man whose soul, symbiotic with the common man cannot dismissed what is happening in the world. The voice of President Obama speaking facts about the color of our skin and acknowledging the truth that lies beneath the consciousness of evil beings. The revolution may not be televised but you can watch the last breathe of our people at the hands of fearful authority on live and in living color by pressing like on your favorite social platform; reality rim shots of death and human destruction. Kendrick stripped away all of our layers, opened up our feelings, fused our consciousness into one source, and the had Mike Moreno heal us with the beauty of the “Lotus”.
Music doing its part to heal the world! Brother you are the Oracle!

LeRoy Downs


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