The Jazzcat

Angel City Jazz Festival!! Two weeks of stunning Music Sept 30th – Oct 16th

by on Oct.01, 2016, under News


Listen, Learn, Love, Enjoy the music that you never hear will change your life!

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ld-ford-angel-cityCome on out and enjoy all of this SUPER Fantastic Music! 2 weeks of Dynamic Sound! screen-shot-2016-09-27-at-10-46-11-pmLeRoy Downs will be hosting at LACMA the Los Angeles County Museum of Art to kick things off this Friday Sept 30th with the Angel City Young Artists Competition Winners and the LA/Chicago Project!

screen-shot-2016-09-27-at-10-46-33-pmAlso at the John Ansen Ford Theater on October 2nd with  The Great Pharoah Sanders and the Gurrisonic Orchestra with Don Byron and Martha Gonzolez!

Come and get this MUSIC!

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