The Jazzcat

Special Bobby Hutcherson Broadcast Saturday @ 3am on 89.9

by on Aug.18, 2016, under Interviews, Jazzcat Hosting, News, Radio

LD and Bobby

Hello Beautiful Jazz People!

We have lost a tremendous radiant being. Bobby has meant so much to me in my career as a musician, father figure and friend. Of course his vibraphone resonates throughout the Universe but, so does his smile, his laugh and his presence.

Bobby on Stage

Special 3hr Bobby Hutcherson Broadcast

Listen Live

Saturday August 20th

(Late Friday Night/Early Saturday Morning)

3am – 6am


Wherever you are in the world, Paris, London, Tokyo, Brazil, Chicago, Amsterdam I promise that if you tune in, you are going to hear some great music, some musicians talk about how Bobby influenced them and, you get to hear from Bobby himself from an interview we did way back in the day. Love, Laugh, Cry, LISTEN….

Teddy Bobby McCoy and LeRoy

Teddy Hutcherson, Bobby Hutcherson, McCoy Tyner, LeRoy Downs

A night to honor our beloved hero of the music, dear friend and sweetest man in Jazz!

Bobby Hutcherson 

Bobby LD Monterey

P1060082 P1060081

Aug 20th, 2016

Saturday Morning


3AM to 6am Pacific Standard Time

3 Hours of Progressive, Eclectic Jazz for you dome!


The Light is ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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