The Jazzcat

Leimert Park Celebrates International Jazz Day!

by on May.03, 2016, under Events, Jazzcat Hosting, News

Lemiert Park

From Barack and Michelle Obama all the way down to Leimert Park and around the world,  International Jazz Day, in it fourth year, spotlights a day of Jazz, a moment in time and a spark of joyful vibrations within that connects our Universe. barack-obama-michelle-obama-sxsw-2016-000Sounds like big shoes to fill but, music is a bonding agent that makes us feel, reflect and recall memories to relive. One of America’s biggest unspoken languages is JAZZ. It’s an interpretation of our world, how we live, breathe and share our expressions with each other. It connects heart, mind, body and soul and without having to speak one word, we emote with our family, friends, neighbors, communities, cultures, and countries. It is a game changer! Once you hear the music your state is altered and if you were in Leimert Park on Saturday, then you know that Jazz changed your vibration!

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It was the perfect equation; Jazz plus food, sunshine, people and dancing make for a day not to miss. KJazz along with the Barbara Morrison Performing Arts Center got together and put on a fantastic performance for the the community of Leimert Park!

Photography by Cynthia Lum

Hosted by LeRoy Downs, the afternoon was filled with the excitement of sound! In honor of Jazz Appreciation Month, Barbara Morrison has been having performances every evening at her Performing arts center, 30 days of jazz music! She topped it off with a great International Jazz Day Celebration with Dwight Trible, The Chester Whitmore Big Band as well as the John Stephens Big Band. Queen Barbara stepped in and blew them down with a tune or two as Leimert Park patrons soaked up the sun and the music!


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It is nice when you know the city is on your side! Representatives from the Los Angeles City Council and a few other advocates for all good things in the neighborhood came out to she their support of Barbara and International Jazz Day by giving and receiving proclamations!

IMG_4168 All in all it was power and beautiful Day! A big thanks Stephanie of Kjazz and the one and only reigning Queen of Leimert Park, Barbara Morrison for their compassion, diligence, and dedication to Jazz!


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