The Jazzcat

LeRoy Downs off to cover the 16th Annual Cape Town Jazz Festival

by on Mar.23, 2015, under Events, News

Capetown Jazz LogoThis is where the music brings the world together! On March 27th and 28th, artists from all over the globe descend upon Cape Town South Africa, the pinnacle of beauty surrounded by gorgeous blue water filling the air with the wonderful sounds of jazz music!


My trip will consist of a few days in Cape Town followed by a short trip to Durban to explore the food, the culture and the music! durban_1885091bI will return with an article and I am sure a plethora of great information about our brothers and sisters from the motherland. The endeavor should include a Jazz Safari, a South Africa Cooking Safari, wine tasting, a fashion show, a visit to the top of Table Mountain, peruse through local markets and more!

Jazz music, food and culture is the only way to discover and explore any city or country.

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I look forward to seeing you upon my return!

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