The Jazzcat

Listen to LeRoy Downs Aug 9th &16th show on 89.9 FM

by on Aug.15, 2014, under Radio


 Click Picture Above for Aug 16th show Below to Listen to Aug 9th show


Come join me for 3 hours of cutting edge progressive jazz at it’s finest. It’s not very often I get a chance to stretch for that length of time. If you believe and crave Freedom, Thought, Spirit, Love and Creativity in your music then be with me as we dance on the axis of spontaneity and beam with the sonic colors of sound!

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P1060079Brother Bo Liebowitz has kindly given me the keys to the ship and while he searches for leisure, the dreidle of jazz energy will be spinning off the charts at full strength! I am calling those from all galaxies, Los Angeles, New York, Japan, Chicago, Copenhagen, London, Russia, Brazil, Poland and where ever else you reside on the planet. Let’s take this beautiful ride together! P1060080P1060082P1060081P1060084P1060727P1060733


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