The Jazzcat

LeRoy Downs TONIGHT Saturday Morning July 12th @ 3AM Tribute to Charlie Haden on 89.9 FM

by on Jul.07, 2014, under Radio

P1060079 Click Picture above to listen to the Archive of May 17th 2014 show!!! Click picture of Charlie Haden below for the tribute dedicated to the life of the Great Charlie Haden.

May his soul rest in peace!

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Come and join me @ 3AM TONIGHT Friday Night / Saturday Morning as I appear alongside 89.9 FM KCRW.Com Jazz host Bo Liebowitz!! P1060080 P1060081 P1060082 P1060083 P1060084 P1060085 P1060087 P1060088 P1060089 P1060091 P1060095P1060076

  Bo Leibowitz and LeRoy Downs trading sets of the finest jazz!!!

  Saturday July 12th

3am – 6am Los Angeles

 Progressive Jazz Music Lovers from all over the world UNITE!

New York  London  Chicago  New Orleans  Tokyo  Paris  Istanbul  Brussels  Moscow Washington Poland Copenhagen TUNE-IN!!! Screen Shot 2014-05-16 at 11.31.43 AM

To Listen Click KCRW Above

It will be cognitive jazz science as usual as Bo and I trade sets to create an experience in the music. A Pre-eminent, Progressive, Sonic Experience in Jazz!!!! Don’t Sleep !!!!!!!!!!!!!


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