The Jazzcat

A New Way to Learn from the Best in the Business with “INTO THE SHED”!!

by on Jul.07, 2014, under News

   Into Shed Musicians

It used to be, once in a blue moon, a student of jazz will get a rare chance to hang backstage with a big named GRAMMY-winning artist who came through on tour. But now, with (, that same student can access a plethora of big names on a daily basis! intotheShed is an all-in-one platform for creating, promoting, selling and teaching live, high-quality, video lessons, as well as, building a community around the top jazz artists in the world and the people interested in studying with the best.


With so many budget cuts in music programs across the country, many colleges and universities can’t always afford to fly in top jazz artists, but with intotheShed, virtual masterclasses are an affordable, personal and effective reality. We can even facilitate virtual adjunct professors via intotheShed for schools who are looking to offer their students extremely high-end talent, but can’t afford to have such a teaching artist on campus. But with intotheShed, students can still meet with their adjunct professor on a weekly basis even if that professor is on tour in Tokyo.

In2shed Hurst scheduler

There are many different ways to give live video lessons, but there wasn’t a single platform that made the entire process dead simple and brought the best-of-the-best all to one website. In just a few of a clicks, teaching artists can create, schedule, promote and sell a lesson. The buying process is equally as fast and simple and the teaching artist receives payments direct to their bank account in 2 business days. Every step of the process is handled in one place. It’s well organized, secure and the quality of the video is amazing. In our testing, we’ve experienced no lag time and can play together in real time.

  • Send direct lesson requests to the top artists in the world
  • Be notified as soon as your favorite artists open lesson times
  • Scheduling and organizing lessons all in one place 
  • Give 1-on-1 OR Group Lessons
  • Secure, simple payments direct to your bank account in 2 business days 
  • Downloadable Excel report of lessons taught and money earned
  • High-quality video
  • Promoting lessons on social networks are a snap with a single click
  • Creating a community of top artists and dedicated students supporting an environment of learning and growth
  • Study with GRAMMY & EMMY winners, celebrated phenoms, and highly accomplished jazz professionals 
  • Free, easily editable, attractive profile page to promote your artistry and available lessons.

Moving forward, the more successful we become, the more we can give back. We’ll be able to go into troubled schools and provide equipment to have live video lessons. We’ll be able to giveaway free lessons to students and families who can’t afford them. The more people that use intotheShed, the more we can help others, enrich the landscape of jazz education and grow this music we love.

Downbeat intoshed

Where does the phrase “into·the·Shed” originate?

In jazz, when a person goes into the shed, they are said to be diligently practicing with a focused intensity beyond the norm. “The shed” is a time and a place when a musician works to break through whatever wall or limitations they are seeking to overcome and will only emerge when they have done so. intotheShed’s featured teachers, are masters of their instrument, their sound and their artistry and are intimately familiar with the shed. Join us. Get great.

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