The Jazzcat

The Bronzeville Project: Miguel Atwood-Ferguson and special guests Sunday June 23

by on Jun.21, 2013, under News

Project Bronzville Presents

Hosted by



LeRoy Downs

Sunday Evening 9pm


The Blue Whale in Little Tokyo

The Miguel Atwood-Ferguson Ensemble (17 pieces)

with Special Guests….

Ambrose Akinmusirie, Zane Musa, Jessica Vautor, Zach Harmon and more…

Artist Kathie Foley

Kathie remembers Bronzeville, or more accurately, imagines it in her new exhibit at LA Artcore at the Union Center for the Arts in Little Tokyo. Her show is part of the larger Project Bronzeville, which has events throughout the month of June, including a play, a panel discussion and of course, a jazz show!!

Project Bronzeville is a combination of fine art, theater, a panel discussion and music coming together to commemorate the brief but vibrant part of LA history when Japanese Americans were forced out of their homes and businesses in Little Tokyo during WWII and African American families from the south moved into these vacant spaces and renamed the neighborhood “Bronzeville.”



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