The Jazzcat

The Brazil You Never Heard – Marcel Camargo at the Virgil!

by on Oct.22, 2012, under News

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“Sensibilities. The more life continues to take its turns for better or worse, it is the subtle things that we hold dear to life. Music, art, flowers, and gentle breezes can all be so easily over looked. But art is life, and when young creative musicians come together to accomplish their works of art with excitement and humility, the end result is a gift, a new vibration that now exists.

Marcel Camargo has assembled a cast of wonderful musicians to break the stereotype of sound and amass a new creation that features French horn, trombone, flute, clarinet, cello, a rhythm section, a string quartet and of course lovely guitar. The evening was inspired by the music of Antonio Carlos Jobim and Marcel has arranged all of the tunes, selecting not the Jobim standards but other interesting compositions to get “B-side”. Marcel has written his own music, fragranced with the scent of Brazil and invited long time friend and beautiful golden child of the jazz world Gretchen Parlato to blow beauty over strings and captivate hearts. As they and resolve to silence, sand and ocean breezes turn right back into a tiny stage at the Virgil packed with talent and a bar full of audience applause and appreciation!

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This was night two of a three part series put on by Marcel. Different music each night displays the virtuosity and vast possibilities of what can happen when love comes together to play music.  Yes, love brings these beautiful musicians together, a wealth of it along with knowledge, appreciation and respect for each other’s talents. The result is a gift for your listening pleasure. Please realize that the end result of all musical endeavors is to bring a bit of joy to your lives.

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You still have an opportunity to feel the music! The third and final episode is waiting for you! Oct. 24th, “Music of The Past and the Future,” pre-WWII music and modern nostalgia, featuring Jessica Vautor, and Marcel Camargo’s record release.

Don’t slip or you will miss the “Brazil You Never Heard”!

LeRoy Downs

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