The Jazzcat

LeRoy Downs on air as host of RISE Sept 30th on 90.7 FM

by on Sep.28, 2012, under News

Sunday Night at MIDNIGHT on 90.7fm

The Jazzcat will be on RISE for 3 Hours of non-stop creative cerebral jazz menagerie for the cranium and the soul!  The music will be beautiful and organic as I will paint and splash the canvas with potent fragrant sonic sensations. We will have 3 wonderful hours to stretch so stay up with me!

Click Logo and listen to Extraordinary Music!

Plus, I will be giving away some treats that you will definitely enjoy, putting you right inside the experience of the music in a BIG way!

Congratulations to the winners of the Angel City Jazz Festival tickets! We will see you all on Sunday Oct 7th for a great time at the festival

Click Rise below to visit Rise on MySpace

Mark Maxwell, the humble facilitator of the sounds of the creator will be taking a night off  and has been grateful enough to bequeath the controls of the mothership to me!

If you want to discover the best in jazz that the rest of the radio world has not figured out, tune in to Mark Maxwell every week for a 3 hour excursion into the Deep! I do not have the opportunity to spin jazz on the air that often so please stop by and have some fun with me!

See you there!

LeRoy Downs

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