The Jazzcat

Round Midnight FREE Film Screening and Panel moderated by LeRoy Downs April 28th

by on Apr.18, 2012, under News

Don’t miss the Screening of the 1986 Classic Film

Round Midnight (133 minutes)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

4:00 – 6:30 p.m.


Dexter Gordon Stars as Dale Turner

As part of the Black Talkies on Parade film series, The Mayme Clayton Library and Museum will screen Round Midnight, which features a lead performance by legendary jazz saxophonist Dexter Gordon.  Gordon portrays the fictional character Dale Turner, a tenor sax player who is slowly losing his battle with alcoholism and is hanging by a thread in 1950’s New York. In Paris he finds that the “Jim crow” racism of the American “color line” does not exist.  His experiences re-ignite his passion for jazz music and life.

The Cats

Ron Carter, Herbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter, Billy Higgins, Bobby Hutcherson, Cedar Walton, Tony Williams, Freddie Hubbard…….

A panel discussion about the film will be moderated by LeRoy Downs featuring panelists Mark Maxwell, Les Wills, Lloyd Clayton

and Maxine Gordon (wife of Dexter Gordon)

via Skype.

Mayme Clayton Library and Museum

4130 Overland Avenue, Culver City, CA

(310) 202-1647‎ ·

2 Comments for this entry

  • Daryl Strickland

    Hi Leroy,

    I miss hearing your Saturday show on KJZZ. Moreover, I missed the “Round Midnight” screening in Culver City. By any chance, is there a podcast of the discussion? When I saw the movie in the mid-80s, I thought it was an instant classic. There’s so much I enjoyed about the film. Wish I would have known this event was taking place. I’m sure it was delightful.

    Thanks much

    • The Jazzcat

      Hello Daryl, Unfortunately there was no recording of the discussion. It was pretty great though. We had a phone call with Dexter’s wife Maxine on the line and she communicated with the audience providing those great intimate details. Sorry you missed. I miss broadcasting great music over the air as well but, in a very short while, I will be back bigger and better! Here is a sneak peak for you!

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