The Jazzcat

Watch LeRoy Downs on Jazz in the Modern Era

by on Mar.27, 2012, under News

LeRoy Downs “The Jazzcat” was a guest  on

Jazz in the Modern Era

Click the video below to enjoy this episode of “Jazz in the Modern Era”

Tuesday April 3, 2012

We had a great time playing  the best in progressive jazz music! I hope you enjoy!

3 Comments for this entry

  • Acel

    The gray looks good on you. ;-))

  • Ollie Bivins

    Hey, LeRoy

    Great show and interview with Chet Henley! You are one of the ones in Los Angeles who is trying to move the music forward rather than have it stuck in the past (1950’s to early ’60’s), which you alluded to in your comments. Or as Gil-Scott Heron said, ‘No-stalgia’. Continue the groundbreaking work!

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