The Jazzcat

2 Comments for this entry

  • Christine

    Hello Leroy,
    We are putting together a documentary of a former student of Walter Dyett’s and are in need of a photo of Walter.
    Our story is about Richard Davis who is now a music professor at UW-Madison.
    Do you happen to own the image of Mr. Dyett on your site? If so, would we be able to use it in our documentary when Richard talks about his former teacher who inspired him?

    Thank you for considering…
    Christine Leonard

    • The Jazzcat

      Hello Christine,
      That was quite a few years ago that I took pictures and wrote this article in Chicago. I know I saw Walter Dyett and I took all of the other pictures but for some reason, I can’t remember taking this shot but, it is very likely that I did. Sometimes I do use other photos but, I say use it and we will say that it is mine. I am pretty sure that it is. If there are any problems, we will correct them later.
      I will take the credit for the photograph and I am giving blessings to use it. Here is an interview I did with Richard just in case you would like to use some part of that as well.
      Thank you!
      LeRoy Downs

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