The Jazzcat

Listen to 3 hours of Beauty as Mark Maxwell celebrates 10 years of Rise with guest LeRoy Downs and Build an Ark on 90.7 KPFK.ORG

by on Mar.01, 2008, under Events, News, Radio

 10 Great Years of extraordinary Jazz Music on

Click on Rise Above to Enjoy 3 hours of beautifully crafted jazz music!!!

Your host Mark Maxwell has blessed us as the humble facilitator of the sounds of the creator for a decade and we celebrated those blessings as well and Max's Birthday on air!

As the fro grows, so grows the depth of the knowledge!

LeRoy Downs and Carlos Ninos were on hand culminating the Vibe!!

A wonderful live performance from Studio A featuring
Build an Ark!!!

Click pics above for slide show

What a beautiful celebration on the radio honoring the birth, the life, the man and the music!

Mark Maxwell
on 90.7 fm KPFK.ORG
every Sunday evening from 11pm – 2am


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