The Jazzcat

Roberta Gambarini on "Live with the Jazzcat" April 24, 2007 @ 5:15pm PST

by on Apr.20, 2007, under Radio



LeRoy Downs will be live on the air

with the beautiful tall, tone, timbre talented vocal gift

Roberta Gambarini

Click picture to listen live online!

“Monterey Bay's Jazz and Blues station in Carmel California”


has been stunning audiences from a very young age and her impeccable

range along with the prestine quality of her voice is like the HDTV of

jazz vocals

Roberta Gambarini

live on or on

1410AM KRML radio in Carmel California

Roberta Gambarini

 Click Picture above for Interview with

Roberta Gambarini

Click here for all archived Interviews


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