The Jazzcat

Nnenna Freelon on "Live with the Jazzcat" April 10th @ 5:15pm PST

by on Apr.04, 2007, under Radio




LeRoy Downs will be live on the air

with a vocalist who is beautifully charming and perfectly poised to lyrically deliver on Multi-Grammy Nominated Status

Nnenna Freelon

Click picture to listen live online!

“Monterey Bay's Jazz and Blues station in Carmel California”


as the “Songs of Inspiration” tell the “Tales of Wonder” about the

“Blueprint of a Lady” whose “Soulcall” in life is to take a “Maiden

Voyage” “Shaking Free” from “Heritage” and blessing us with the gift

that is…

Nnenna Freelon

live on or on

1410AM KRML radio in Carmel California

Nnenna Freelon

Click Picture above for Nnenna Freelon Interview 

Click here for all archived Interviews

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