The Jazzcat

UCLA 20th Annual Jazz and Reggae Festival

by on May.12, 2006, under News

For 20 years, UCLA has been holding this spactacular 2 Day event. One whole day of Jazz and one whole day of Reggae make for a beautiful weekend of music. There are a few things that are guaranteed; Great Music, Great Food and for sure a good time. I would guarantee the sunshine but, I have not heard any word back from the man upstairs!

Jazz Day  May 28th, 2006 11am to 7pm

This year is an outstanding line up for the Jazz day is outstanding! Grammy Award winner Dianne Reeves and her trio will be performing

along with Trio Beyond featuring: John Scofield, Jack Dejohnette and Larry Goldings,

The Gerald Wilson Orchestra,
Photographed by

Bruce C Moore

2929 First Avenue 1022

Seattle WA 98121

(206) 728-2605

Floetry and

Kenny Burrell and friends.

Reggae Day  May 29th 2006 11am to 7pm

Day 2 as you know is Reggae day and it features, Buju Banton, Bushman, Assassin, Macka Diamond, and Tami Chynn.

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The festival is located on UCLA's  Intramural Field near Pauly Pavillion. Click the picture below for a Ricky Richardson Review

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