The Jazzcat

Listen to Rise with Mark Maxwel and LeRoy Downs!!

by on Jun.29, 2005, under News, Radio

Slide Show

Hey What's happening!

This is the Jazzcat, LeRoy Downs and hopefully you all had the

opportunity to check this radio show out live. However, if you were not

able to hang out back in April, I have uploaded 3 hours of a great

radio program that Mark Maxwell and I programed for his weekly show here in Los Angeles.


Click Here for the Promo from the Show

I'll tell you what, here is a great idea! Take some time, check out

some of the articles on “The Jazzcat” and listen to the show at the

same time. Each segment below is roughly one hour long and I guarantee

you, it will enhance you web searching pleasure. If you have speakers

to plug in, do it! It is an eclectic 3 hour show and Max and I always

have a great time.

IMPORTANT: Please download the show onto your computer and play it from there.

Clue: After the initial introduction on hour 1, the first tune starts

out really quiet and builds up. So, if you don't hear anything for a

moment, you player is still working! Keep listening and Enjoy!

3 Hours of outstanding JAZZ!


LeRoy Downs and Mark Maxwell

If you dig the show, please leave a comment!

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