The Jazzcat

National Public Radio in Trouble!!!!!!!!!!!

by on Aug.21, 2004, under News

On NPR's Morning Edition last week, Nina Tottenberg said that if

theSupreme Court supports Congress, it is in effect the end of the

National Public Radio (NPR), National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)

& the Public Broadcasting System (PBS).

PBS, NPR and the arts are facing major cutbacks in funding. In spite of

the efforts of each station to reduce spending costs and streamline

their services, some government officials believe that the funding

currently going to these programs is too large

a portion of funding for something which is seen as not

worthwhile.  The only way that our representatives can be aware of

the base of support for PBS and funding for these types of programs is

by making our voices heard. Please add your name to this list and

forward it to friends who believe in what this stands for. This list

will be forwarded to the President and the Vice President of the United

States. This petition is being passed around the Internet. Please add

your name to it so that funding can be maintained for NPR, PBS, &

the NEA.

HOW TO SIGN & FORWARD: IT'S EASY: Please keep this petition

rolling. Please sign and forward to others to sign. If you prefer not

to sign, please send to the E-mail address indicated below. This is for

anyone who thinks NPR/PBS is a worthwhile expenditure of $1.12/year

of  their taxes, a petition follows.

If you sign, please forward on to others. If not, please don't kill it. Send it to the Email address listed here:

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