The Jazzcat

Wayne Shorter at Bovard Auditorium

by on Apr.17, 2004, under News





Wayne and the band walk on stage and, as usual, the audience goes wild. The genius is back to work. Wayne

spends a moment adjusting a beautiful microphone that is awaiting the

Shorter sound. Blade starts it off, joined by Patituchi and Danilo and

then we are once again on our way for more extraordinary jazz music.


It’s interesting how

we the audience are enwrapped, engulfed , consumed, and transformed

into the spirit of the music. It’s levitating! Just as captivating as

the performance I saw just last week. Exuding with strength, energy,

happiness and harmonious love.


I think of the

thirteenth floor. The space that technically does not exist but seems

to be a portal between two worlds where only a few can tap directly

into the source. Colors, crazy rhythms, harmonies and melodic chords.

Dimensions and daring concepts in jazz music that are often uncharted.

It’s like a journey from green meadows to sprawling waters to mystic

galaxies to funky strolls down hot Harlem streets to insane visions of

Manhattan sped up to warp speed and back to land in the  warmest most peaceful musical dream.


A musical experience. Jazz Music!! It’s Wayne’s World

W onderful

A  nalytical

Y  earning

N  uances of

E   volution


LeRoy Downs

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