The Jazzcat

Hydeus Kiatta back at Lunaria!

by on Mar.08, 2004, under News

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Video Caravan  – March 5, 2004 at Lunaria

A Night in TunisiaJanuary 7, 2004 at Lunaria

Once more an encore performance by the lovely Hydeus Kiatta.

She has been in the studio and this time she brought with her three new

and wonderfully inspiring tunes. Hydeus has been performing in the Bay

area for years and now lives here in Southern California. This was her

second performance at Lunaria Jazz and Supper club and she once again


Singing original songs from her first album “On the Ground I Walk”,

Hydeus takes you into her world and lets you experience her travel, her

passion and her love for this universe. She also loves to dip into the

Duke Ellington songbook performing titles like “Caravan” and “Solitude”

in a style all her own.

“Grass is Greener” is one of her latest compositions and has an

upbeat and soulful sound while “Autumns Treat” is a piece inspired by

all of the wonderful thing about love!

Her quartet consisted of the amazing John Rangel on Piano, the

mulit-talented Derf Reklaw on Percussion and Flute and new addition to

band Kevin O'Neil on Bass. The played three great sets of music and one

member of the audience called her “Sexy and refreshing!” Chris Walker

of the Los Angeles Jazz Scene says ” An amazing singer, who once you

hear her, you can't help but fall under her spell”.

The next time you hear the name Hydeus Kiatta, stop and take a

listen. Drop by the club to hear a real original artist do her magic!

Keep your eyes posted in your local jazz listings.

Click Here to listen to samples of  Hydeus's songs. Buy any tune for just $1.

LeRoy Downs

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