The Jazzcat

MUSICIANS: This is our Music! Sounds and Colors Radio Campaign

by on Apr.24, 2000, under News

LeRoy Downs “The Jazzcat”

Hello my beautiful musicians,

I hope 2012 is being good to you! As many of you know I love jazz music and have always done an excellent job when programming it for our listeners. Being the cat who has taken the risks and stretched the boundaries of sound when it comes to playing your music on conventional radio, I no longer find myself with an outlet to do that. So I am creating one!

In the near future, I will be starting a Indiegogo campaign for an internet radio station that I will call…


On Sounds and Colors Radio, I will continue to mix and blend the most beautiful colors and sounds that many of you create and proceed to share them with the world through online internet Radio!

This is the video that I will use to launch my Sounds and Colors Campaign.


My concept is to produce…


a) the best in eclectic organic creative jazz programming
b) conduct interviews with today’s outstanding jazz artists – New, up and coming and Wise One’s!

c) do live remote broadcasting from clubs, venues, backstage concerts, rehearsals, in the studio and even in some of your living rooms!
d) with streaming video capabilities as well.

I want to bring our audience close to us as humans, let them share in our creative process giving them insight to the music you compose, that I play on air and that the audience will begin to enjoy on a much higher level. This is what we do!

If you would not mind I would like to ask you for a few things…

1) Support the campaign with your pledge when the time comes
2) Since many of us have crossed paths several times in the music, take your cell phones and shoot a small video of yourself. Say what ever you would like about our experiences together and in support of Sounds and Colors Radio.

For the campaign, I will post your videos so people can click and see their favorite jazz peeps, “YOU” giving support to the Sounds and Colors.

You can tell them …
A) a short story of what you know about me as a Jazz personality and program host and that you support Sounds and Colors Radio
B) that you pledged your support to Sounds and Colors Radio
C) why you think they should support Sounds and Colors Radio. Etc..

Sounds and Colors Station Identification

As an added feature, I would love to have a station ID from you in what ever fashion you wish

Ambrose Sounds and Colors VO

“This is ___________ and you are listening to Sounds and Colors Radio” –  the most basic.
You can also do a short riff on you instrument and say “This is (Your Name)and that you are listening to Sounds and Colors Radio. Most important thing is that you have fun with it and that people feel the smile in your sound!

I can use these when I play your music on the show so be as creative as you wish or just do them clean and I will produce the rest. They can be funny, done with a smile or serious, whichever matches your personality! I thank you in advance and look forward to continuing to present beauty and love to the people through your music!!!

If you have received this and do not know me, I have sent you this email because I appreciate you and have supported you by playing your music on the air at 88.1 FM KKJZ, 1410 AM and 94.7 FM KRML, 90.7 FM KPFK, 88.9 FM KXLU and through my articles on

Thanks again and feel free to hit me up if anytime if you like!

LeRoy Downs

1 Comment for this entry

  • fritz wise

    Fritz Wise has been part of the L.A. creative music scene for the last 35 years. His list of credits include :Russell Malone,Horace Tapscott,Nicolus Payton,Dwight Tribble,The Temptations,Kenny Burrell,Larry Willis,The Pan Afrikan Peoples Arkestra and Arthur Blythe.

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